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Analysis & Design

How to turn the vision of company managers into results? One of substantiated and efficient methods is to develop and prepare simulation schemes of the current (As-Is) and future (To-Be) business processes using visualization tools (diagrams) for depicting processes.

The services we provide:

  • We perform the analysis of the current business processes (As-Is) in the company. As-Is diagrams help to identify the current situation in the company, its culture and opportunities as well as show areas which need to be improved or changed.
  • We perform the design of business processes (To-Be). To-Be diagrams depict future perspectives: how processes, culture and opportunities of the organization would look in the future.
  • Based on the results of As-Is and To-Be processes we provide the vision of changes and recommendations.
Effectiveness, procedures optimization and preparation for digitalization is the greatest value that we create for the customer